360. A Place in the Sun – Frantisek Vystricil


SUMMARY: Two figures fight to obtain a place in the sun, as opposed to the cold area outside of its rays.

WHY IT’S HERE: Frantisek Vystricil’s ‘A Place in the Sun’ is a Czech film that, along with ‘Munro’, became the first nomination from outside the USA and Canada. ‘A Place in the Sun is a wonderful little tale about two people battling for a place in the direct sunlight, even though there is room for two. Depicted in a simple line drawing style but with inventive use of colour and space, ‘A Place in the Sun’ is the sort of indictment of selfishness in favour of eventual unity that often catches the Academy’s eye. Something of a rarity, ‘A Place in the Sun’ is well worth tracking down for its cheerful simplicity and message which make it a lovely bitesize treat.

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